February 17, 2011
Palmer, Alaska office space: As I'm getting ready to open a new computer programming business here in Palmer, Alaska (see my Mat-Su Valley Programming website), I ran across this little building for rent in downtown Palmer two days ago. I haven't seen the inside of the building yet, and I don't know how much they want to rent it for, but the location is terrific, right in the downtown area.
February 17, 2011
I just checked the weather forecast to see what our skies would look like as a huge solar flare is being shot at us, courtesy of the Sun, and it turns out we're about to get anywhere up to 16" of snow in the next thirty-six hours here in the Mat-Su Valley (Palmer and Wasilla, Alaska).
February 17, 2011
Dallas Seavey wins the Yukon Quest: Dallas Seavey, age 23, has won the 2011 Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race, making him the youngest winner ever of that race, which ended in Fairbanks, Alaska yesterday after ten days and 1,000 miles.
Dallas won a prize of $28,395 for winning the 2011 Yukon Quest. The race started in Dawson City in the Yukon Territory way back on February 5th. (What were you doing on February 5th? I can't remember.) Twenty-five mushers started the race way back then, and eleven mushers scratched or withdrew from the race.
February 17, 2011
If you came to the website looking for some of my most recent blog posts, it seems that GoDaddy and I had a miscommunication about what they would do with my new blog posts when they moved me to some better servers. In short, those posts were lost in the move.
I did make backups of those posts, and I hope to have them back online soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
February 15, 2011
Alaska weather report: I haven't written much here lately, as I've been busy launching my new Mat-Su Valley Programming website (see Palmer and Wasilla, Alaska website design), but strong winds have absolutely been pounding on Palmer, Alaska for the last 72 hours or mo
February 4, 2011
Summary: Joe Miller's legal challenges cost the State of Alaska $268,000.
It looks like the costs for the state of Alaska to defend itself against the Joe Miller senate campaign challenges were approximately $268,000. An Anchorage Daily News story on the Alaska state budget overrun included this blurb:
Elections normally cost the Law Department no more than $200,000 annually, but this fiscal year, which began July 1, the cost of defending the state on election matters had exceeded $467,963 by Dec. 31.
February 3, 2011
Looking for some "geek" Valentine's Day gift ideas? Look no further than my "Valentine's Day geek gift ideas" list, with a selection of cool geek gift ideas from ThinkGeek.com, and some "luxury" chocolates from a French chocolate company. My Valentine's geek gift ideas include:
February 2, 2011
Dan Rather's Lisa Murkowski story: Wow, this line from Dan Rather's Huffington Post article on Lisa Murkowski just blew me away:
As for Joe Miller, Murkowski told us she might not have challenged him at all had he been more gracious during her concession call.
Wow. Of course we don't know if that's true or not, but if so, had Joe Miller just been a little nicer, Ms. Murkowski may not have run her now-famous write-in campaign for Alaska Senator.
February 2, 2011
Alaska's Marmot Day: In the Lower-48, February 2nd is "Groundhog Day", but in Alaska, thanks to the former governor and another Republican from Wasilla, Alaska, February 2nd is Marmot Day. This day was just put into effect last year (2010), and at this point it essentially doesn't mean anything.
It seems that Alaska doesn't have many (any?) groundhogs, so in an effort to have a day that is a little more meaningful here, this day in Alaska is "Marmot Day", apparently because we have a lot of marmots.
February 2, 2011
This is a view of the Denali mountain range, specifically the large peak you can see from Fish Creek.
February 2, 2011
A view of some cool clouds hovering in the mountains in Seward, Alaska.
February 2, 2011
Another view of some smoky fog hanging around in Resurrection Bay in Seward, Alaska.
February 2, 2011
Here's a view of the fog in Resurrection Bay, in Seward, Alaska.
February 1, 2011
I haven't figured out exactly what Radio Free Palmer is, but I just learned about them when I saw that they offered free internet access at one of the local coffee shops (Vagabond Blues).
According to their website, Radio Free Palmer:
January 30, 2011
Free Function Point Analysis software: This post isn't too related to Alaska, except for my new domain name: Sleetmute.com. Sleetmute is actually the name of a very small town in Alaska (see Sleetmute on Wikipedia), probably most famous for being about 200 miles from the fictional Cicely, Alaska in the tv series Northern Exposure. But for me, Sleetmute is something else: A free Function Point Analysis software tool.
January 27, 2011
I don't mean to make light of recent deaths in Alaska in any way, but people in Alaska have died in a variety of different ways lately. The recent deaths include:
January 24, 2011
This is a view of one of the mountain ranges in Palmer, Alaska. This photo was taken from a road named Palmer-Wasilla Highway, on the way into Palmer.
January 24, 2011
Another moose statue at the Krazy Moose in Wasilla, Alaska.
January 24, 2011
A moose statue at the Krazy Moose in Wasilla, Alaska.
January 24, 2011
This is a photo of my car parked in a parking lot in Hatcher Pass, Alaska. Wasilla and Palmer, Alaska are in the valley off in the distance ... you could see the Mat-Su Valley if that pile of snow wasn't behind the car.