2011 Iditarod - Mushers, the Red Lantern, and Widow's Lamp
2011 Iditarod news, March 17, 2011 - I just checked the official 2011 Iditarod standings, and twenty-eight mushers have now finished the race, nineteen mushers are still on the Iditarod Trail, and fifteen mushers are now out of the race (have scratched).
Somewhere along the line I missed the fact that Robert Bundtzen scratched. A woman I met at the Iditarod restart in Willow works for Dr. Bundtzen, and she told me a lot about him and the other mushers as well. He was one of the early leaders in the 2011 Iditarod, but it looks like he had to scratch at the Koyuk checkpoint.
The Iditarod Widow's Lamp and Red Lantern
I'll write more about this when I have more time, but the Iditarod race continues until all mushers have finished the race. The last musher to finish the race is the winner of the Red Lantern. There is also something called a Widow's Lamp, which is similar to the Red Lantern, but slightly different. You can learn the details at this Iditarod.com web page.