Earthquake in Wasilla, Alaska
April 7, 2010, Wasilla, Alaska: At 8:18 a.m. local time, I'm standing in my motel room here in Wasilla, when I hear a rumbling sound, and then the floor starts shaking under my feet, and the walls make cracking sounds -- an earthquake! By the time I think to get under a doorway, it is over.
Here's a link to some initial information about this Alaska earthquake. I'll add more information here as I learn it (or feel it).
It looks like the epicenter of this earthquake was three miles from Houston, Alaska, and Houston is about ten miles from Wasilla, so it was pretty close.
Wasilla, Alaska earthquake -- 9:13 a.m. aftershock
Follow-up: We just had a short aftershock at around 9:13 a.m., with more rumbling and shaking. You can definitely hear the rumbling, and although I didn't feel much shaking, I felt a little weird, and a cereal box on the table with the top open was shaking a little.
Seattle Times picks up on earthquake story
Now 10:20 a.m., and I see that the Seattle Times has picked up on the story.
Living in Wasilla, Alaska
I haven't felt any more earthquake aftershocks, and I'm now getting ready to move into my new apartment here in Wasilla. I'll write more about this later, but in short, yesterday afternoon was a whirlwind of activity, and I found a small apartment here.